Sunday, 4 November 2012


My birthday is coming up soon, that was just a fleeting thought I had during the week. A more permanent thought or realisation is that, I am fast approaching 30 years of age and that’s enough to make me want to pull my hair out or go hide in some dark closet somewhere and not come out for a very long time. Ok, maybe I am being a little over dramatic.


The point is this though, when I was growing up, I had a list of goals I wanted to achieve, things that I wanted to be. I had my whole life planned out; I would finish school by 24, be married by 26 and have my first child when I was 28. This was the course that I was going to take and this was how my life was going to play out. This was before I learnt that we may make plans but life doesn’t always follow what we perceive to be a logical sequence of events. Sometimes in between the plans that we had for ourselves, life really happens. Maybe that is why they say; “life is what happens when you busy making other plans” Is that even a quote or a line from some song? Either way that line makes total sense right about now.


So I am turning 27 years in a few days and let’s see how my plans worked out. I completed my degree at 22 and my honours degree at 23. Had a baby at 25, not married and no where near the fulfilling career I had imagined myself having at this age. I didn’t do so badly on the planning front but the truth is, as one ages or grows older, you start to question yourself and where you are in life. How far you still are from doing all you wanted to do with your life, more importantly what significant impact have you made in the lives of those around you.


The older one gets the less life is just about living from day to day and surviving. Add children to that equation and you will realise just how imperative it becomes to live a meaningful life and to live a legacy that they can model and live up to, one day when you are no longer around. I cannot think of one person who does not want to live a life that brings them joy and inner peace and one way of attaining that, for me, is to find one’s purpose in life. The problem though is that, some of us are not privileged enough to know right from the start what our purpose is. Take me for example, I know that I have a passion for helping others and that’s the main reason why I chose to study psychology. I want to be able to touch others and assist them to make a difference in their lives. I also know that I have gift of words, writing and putting things in perspective through words. My aspirations have never really centred on wealth, or making money. So how does one take all of that and put it into a logic that echoes what your purpose is?


It has never been as important as it is now, to find that sole reason why I was created and why I am placed where I am. Not only to know the reason but to fulfil it as well. It shouldn’t even be an age factor, the sooner we start to ask ourselves these hard questions, the sooner we are able to live in the path that we are meant to travel in. We shouldn’t wait for a specific age to chase our dreams or to create in us the people that we admire and aspire to become. It should be a conscious decision that we make everyday, to not only dream of a certain life but to take active steps towards that life.


Contrary to the tone set in the beginning of this blog, this is not about regrets or feeling inadequate or the sense of hopelessness that comes with not achieving what we want or desire. This is a reminder of how time passes, perhaps even flies by without us realising it. It is a reminder that we are created to do more than just survive and that we have a responsibility to find and create ourselves and use the time that we have been given to the best of our ability. To pool together our inner resources and push boundaries and break limitations to become all that we were created to be. For some, the reminder may come from reading this blog. Or as in my case, by an event such a birthday, that’s reminds us, how much time has passed and forces us to evaluate what we are doing against what we should be doing.


I wish I could end this blog by saying I have had my light bulb moment and found my purpose but sadly reality doesn’t work with a script. However, I am feeling positive about the future because I have come face to face with my fears. The realisation of time gone by without having done all that I wanted to do. It is no reason to go in depression mode and label myself a failure. It is an opportunity, to search deeper within myself to find what drives me. It is a chance to wake up everyday with the decision to actively work on myself and my dreams. Not because I am fast approaching 30 (sadly) but because that is what I owe the Universe for the gift of life that I have been given.


If any of you has not found that drive as yet, irrespective of their age; it is never too late to start over. Where you are and give yourself a clean slate, a blank page and start writing your story over. Not influenced by your past or your present but driven by the desire to be all that dwells within you. To give it that opportunity to shine on the outside and hopefully in the process, light up someone else’s life.

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