Wednesday, 20 May 2015


 I woke up this morning and realized that I truly do have all I need. In that same breath, the words of a close friend echo in my mind and I hear her say, "Retha, God doesn't give us what we want but what we need." And I think to myself, God bless her arse, she is right.

I find my joy in the simple things, comforting my baby when she cries, getting a squeeze from her tiny hands and hearing her say she loves me and I am her "queenie", listening to her scream over the TV while I try to study, when she wakes up and laughs when she sees my face.

Im happy when I get home after a long day and meet someone who jumps with joy at seeing my face. When I can just be and pour a glass of wine and take my bra off and not have to pretend to be anything but me in that moment.

Such a full life, one that I want to enjoy each and every second of.

I'm thankful. To God, for all He gives me and who I am in Him. For family and the shared tears and the truths told that others cant face with me.

I'm thankful for a job, however stressful it may be. It allows me to provide and do for myself. But more than that, its a place that has ignited my spark, where I found my purpose and confirmed for myself that there is nothing is I would rather do than invest my time and efforts into making things better for the next person. I am thankful for those cases I encounter in my line of work, the ones that make me cry behind closed doors for they make me a stronger person, more appreciative of all that I have. I am thankful for my supervisor, someone who has taken me under her wing and continues to guide me in this journey of fulfillment. She's more than that, she is the fighter who shows me what it is not to spare any sacrifice so others can be helped.

I'm thankful for the circle of friends that grows smaller but stronger with age. The sisters I have met through Christ, those one who pray with and for me. Who are not worried with the details but merely ensuring that I know I am never alone in whatever I come across. The sisters who have my back and make me laugh. The people who get my crazy and never try to make me anything else. Girls, I have gained so much from my encounters with you. I love you. I appreciate you. And I am thankful for every moment and all roads travelled that led me to the sisterhood I found in you ladies. La itseba!

I'm thankful for the food I eat, the books I can read, for taking a shit and getting that sense of relief, for laughs shared, tears shed, memories made, dreams achieved and those that still keep me awake at night and inspiring me to wake up in the mornings.

Thankful for being alive and having a full life

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