Monday, 6 July 2015


Yesterday I had one of uplifting moments of taking the mask off. I recently spoke at an event about how we wear masks as people, to hide our pain and disappointments and we seldom show our true self because we are afraid people will judge us and not accept us.
So yesterday I found myself in the midst of very strong women and one of them opened this specific topic by questioning how women have gone against the instruction from God. In the book of Ephesians (it's in the Bible in case you not sure what I am talking about), we are instructed as women to respect our husbands and for them to love us. She went on to say maybe God put it this way because He knew if we loved we would have trouble keeping our sanity. We all know a woman who lost her mind because she was in love or maybe we are that woman. She went on to argue that it would be hard for women to just respect and not love because it's in our very nature to love and nurture. I agree.
The topic then progressed to sharing experiences of current and previous relationships when we had lost our minds and acted out of character because of the actions of the people we had entrusted our hearts too. The stories made us laugh and cringe and things came up from the ladies that made one think, we are really not alone in our struggles and hearing the experiences of others makes you thankful for the ones you thought you couldn't bare because you realise in that moment that it could have been worse.
I have always been very vocal about my story because I believe if one person can hear it, it may save them from having to endure what I did. It was therefore refreshing to be sitting with women who didn't feel the need to wear masks and play along to society's expectation that we need to be strong all the damn time and never admit that we are hurting. And no we were not having a pity party because we didn't just sit there and pretend to be victims of our circumstances. We shared our lessons and were even able to relate what those different experiences had taught us. The point is not to dwell in what happened to you but to reflect on it in a way that allows you to learn whatever lesson the Universe wanted you to learn.
Things do not just happen for our amusement, even the very things that you think will kill you serve some purpose in your life. I suppose the trick is to keep it moving and to find the lesson and not be stuck in the way that you feel, to rather choose to be enlightened because of the pain you have experienced.
At the end of the day, we were all able to look back on our hurts and disappointments and find a sense of gratitude because we realize how we have grown because of them. We always think that if we could go back in time we would do things differently, I say, even if you did go back in time, chances are you would repeat the same mistakes again because you wouldn't know what you know now after having gone through the experience. I am thankful for the opportunity to have shared and learnt from my fellow sisters. We can never change the past, but we can choose to have a different future because we have altered our perceptions and what we are willing to take from the bad that we have seen.

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