Friday, 29 April 2016


I have this overwhelming urge to write to you but I don't know where to start or even how to say what is in my heart. You see its been so long, with only silence lingering between us and I never thought I would ever feel the need to say anything to you. You have broken my heart and often times acted like you didn't care, that it didn't bother you that I was hurting as badly as I did. You sometimes took my dreams and trampled on them like they were nothing, like I was nothing. I had been angry with you, despising you and wanting nothing to do with you at times.
But today I don't want to write and tell you about how my heart bled. I want to write to you because I want to thank you. I want to thank you for giving me a gift that was so hard to understand at the time,  a gift that didn't even look or feel like a gift in the beginning. I want to thank you for the places in me that you broke, because they allowed something with so much value to emerge. I want to thank you for killing the little girl who was naive because fro m that a woman with so much hope was born.
I just want to thank you LIFE. For introducing me to the person I am today. #RLG


My book Stepping Out Naked: Lessons learnt from wounds exposed is out.
Email to get your copy.

Friday, 22 April 2016


It's the worst thing ever, well that is what it feels like in that moment. When you are expecting an important call, having that needed chat with a loved one or simply scrolling your timeline and then your phone makes that beeping sound. GOSH!!!! Battery low! The slight panic that sets in and you realise you don't have a charger. You will try every charger there is available even the ones you know don't work. You just hoping for a miracle at this point. You willing to plug into anything. Are you doing that in your life? Our desire to make it can tempt us to plug into anything and anyone, discarding our values and even forgetting what it was we intially wanted to do. You are racing against time and competing with people you shouldn't be competing with. You make alliances with people who don't stand for what you stand for because you are told they are the people with the connections and they can help you win at this life thing. But at what expense??? A USB cord may charge my Samsung but it will never charge it as quickly as what the original charger would have, so I have power but it won't last half as long as it would have with the original charger. So the connections you think you have, the ones that cause you to turn a blind eye to things that matter. They may give you power now but is it sustainable? Trust God to plug you into the correct places and people, at His appointed time and don't be tempted by fleeting promises. Let Him who Has called you finish the work that He has started in you. Refuse to plug into things that drain your power, things that aren't genuine. Wait on God and let Him choose where you should be plugged in in order to go where He wants you to go. 

Monday, 11 April 2016


A seed struggles through the soil to become a flower. A caterpillar struggles through its cocoon to become a butterfly. A  foetus struggles through the birth canal to become a baby. And so we struggle through the seasons of life to become what we need to become.

It's a comforting thought to think what life would be like of we didn't have any battles and struggles but that's also a self defeat thought. Whenever I thought I was at my lowest in life, I was actually just going through the birth canal that gave birth to a better and more mature individual. Looking back I couldn't have been half the person that I am if I wasn't knocked down too many times to even remember.

The moments in our lives that have us doubting our existence usually turn out to be the moments that actually reveal to us the purpose for our existence. I don't write this blindly and I dont write it with oblivion regarding just how testing life can be. When you find yourself in those dark seasons where you don't recognise the light in yourself let alone in others. When you try but it feels like every effort is blocked by some unknown force and you are not sure whether things will work out. 

Occasionally we find ourselves in these moments that don't make sense, that take everything in us to get through even though we feel like there is nothing in us to keep fighting. In these moments we cry out the loudest but it seems that no one can hear us and we resolve to die in silence because that's less tiring than reaching out and having no one to hold your hand on the other side of the darkness. 

The moments of darkness can be so deceiving, feed us lies that seem like the truth. When it's dark we have no way of seeing what is in front of us but that doesn't mean that there's nothing there. We may feel like we are drifting alone in a vacuum thats sucking every good thing out of us and we likely to believe that no one sees but that's also not true. On the other side of the darkness are the people who love and care for you, watching with tears in their eyes because they are saying stretch out just a bit further but you don't see them passed the darkness that surrounds you. There's a God besides you in the dark, patting you on the back and trying to soothe you but the coldness of the dark moments have made you immune to His touch yet that doesn't take away the fact that He is there. In the dark, you fail to see those waiting eagerly at the finish line, they may not see you but that doesn't take away the hope they have that any minute now they will see you appear, torn and battered but with just enough strength left to drag yourself to the finish line. 

Don't let the dark moments blind you to the light that is coming, if only you have the will to try one last time, to give it a final push because that is the push that holds your breakthrough. I know life can hurt but I also know of the inexplicable joy that exists in it . I know you are tired but I also know that deep in the reservoirs of your being lies enough courage to take one more step. Life has struggles but victory is always inevitable to those who don't let the darkness win. 

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