Friday, 29 April 2016


I have this overwhelming urge to write to you but I don't know where to start or even how to say what is in my heart. You see its been so long, with only silence lingering between us and I never thought I would ever feel the need to say anything to you. You have broken my heart and often times acted like you didn't care, that it didn't bother you that I was hurting as badly as I did. You sometimes took my dreams and trampled on them like they were nothing, like I was nothing. I had been angry with you, despising you and wanting nothing to do with you at times.
But today I don't want to write and tell you about how my heart bled. I want to write to you because I want to thank you. I want to thank you for giving me a gift that was so hard to understand at the time,  a gift that didn't even look or feel like a gift in the beginning. I want to thank you for the places in me that you broke, because they allowed something with so much value to emerge. I want to thank you for killing the little girl who was naive because fro m that a woman with so much hope was born.
I just want to thank you LIFE. For introducing me to the person I am today. #RLG


My book Stepping Out Naked: Lessons learnt from wounds exposed is out.
Email to get your copy.

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