Tuesday, 31 December 2013


The Bible somewhere in Matthew teaches us that when we do for others, we don’t do so to get recognition and praise or to be known and that what we do with our right hand should remain a secret to the left hand and vice versa. Loosely translated the verse means that, whatever we do for others, we should not expect in return for what we do, will be rewarded in heaven. "

Isn’t it purely human though for me to expect a little gratitude when I help you with something? No I am not saying that you owe me, but I mean it would be nice if you acknowledged me in someway. Even if you forget, would it be unrealistic to expect you to help out when I once helped you out? Are we not supposed to reap what we sow? If that is the case, how come I reap good seeds and get to sow weeds? I don’t understand it.

I think it is only natural to expect from people what you would do for them. It’s true that you cannot expect someone to give you what you cannot give yourself or even to the next person. So for me, the expectations I have are largely to do with knowing that, if it were you.....I would do this and that for you. Is it unfair? Maybe it is.

We try to do good but it certainly is no guarantee that we get good in return. We go all out for those we love and care about but sadly when we need the same amount of love, we get an empty room staring back at us. Makes you wonder, how true is this Universal Law of Attraction theory; am I not supposed to attract more good the more of it I give out to the Universe? It seems reality and theories are really worlds apart. Knowing without a doubt that I would kill for another person doesn’t mean they feel the same way, infact the people we would kill for in most cases end up being the very ones who kill us.

My lesson over the weekend was just that: Just because you would do it for them doesn’t mean they should or are obligated to do it for you. They can or they wont, the choice is theirs but it also remains yours whether you hold on to it and become bitter or whether you build a bridge and get over it. Use it as a lesson learnt and let it make you better and not bitter. Unfortunately the only way we learn is by getting hurt and disappointed and by learning that those we would take the bullet for may be the ones holding the gun. 

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